First Co-educational Cohort Celebrate Excellent GCSE Results

The school's first co-educational cohort have gained excellent GCSE results
The Peterborough School first accepted boys into the Senior School five years ago and this first fully co-educational cohort is today celebrating excellent GCSE results with 100% of the students gaining the benchmark figure of at least five passes at A* to C.
In addition, almost a third (31%) excelled by gaining at least eight A or A* grades.
Rohan Khosla and Ellen Thompson topped the points table with Rohan gaining nine A* and one A and Ellen getting six A* and five As.
Other students with at least 10 straight A*s and As were Jordan Grinyer, Matthew Rate, William Smith and Tukiya Mukutuma.
Headmaster Adrian Meadows is delighted that this pioneering group of students has acquitted themselves so well: “As our first fully co-educational cohort, these students already have their place in the school’s history and I am so pleased that a wonderful set of results will now be written alongside them. They have set an excellent precedent for future year groups and I offer them my heartfelt congratulations”.