Speech Day Celebrations at Cathedral

Staff, Pupils & Parents gather together for Prize Giving
Peterborough Cathedral welcomed around 800 TPS guests on Friday 14 October to celebrate the success of the previous 2021-2022 academic year. Approximately 100 prize winners from all year groups from Reception through to recent summer A Level Leavers, many of whom returned from university, joined staff, pupils and parents to hear the Headmaster, Head Boy Ben, Head Girl Sarah, Deputy Head Boy Thahaa and Deputy Head Girl Lillie speak about the School's many activities and celebrations. A cheque for just over £6,000 was presented to YPCS (Young People Counselling Service) as the chosen TPS fundraising charity which supports children's mental health. The Chair of Governors, Ken Craig welcomed the guest speaker, Professor Ross Renton, the inaugural Principal of ARU (Anglia Ruskin University) who gave the Address and reinforced to pupils the importance of aiming high and reiterated that hard work and perseverance at school would enable long term success. The Prep School Choir sang a beautiful rendition of Andrew Lloyd Webber's, 'Any Dream will do' followed by the Chapel Choir's, 'O, How Amiable are Thy Dwellings’ by Ralph Vaughan Williams. Solo violin performances by Rowan and Megan preceded the Awards Presentation, before the congregation sang the School Hymn, 'Lord of all Hopefulness' and guests departed to start their half-term break.